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Certification Programs

Intuitive Gifts, Entourage, and Light Language Certification Courses to help you serve your clients.

The #1 Reason Your Clients Aren’t Getting Results

They have a problem.

You have a solution.

It’s a match made in heaven, and yet…

Your clients aren’t tapping into the full potential of the transformation you offer them.


Because they don’t BELIEVE it is possible for them.

The number one thing coaches get wrong is that they think that empowerment is the transformation.

The truth is that empowerment needs to come BEFORE the transformation.

Now, you can spend a lot of time — weeks, months, or even years — working through their limiting beliefs to convince your clients how powerful they are…

Or, you can simply SHOW them in a single session or two.

You’re not the only one with Intuitive Gifts!

Every person is born with a unique combination of Intuitive Gifts designed to help them fulfill their purpose.

But most people don’t believe there’s anything special about their abilities, and even if they suspect, they don’t have the language to describe it.

When you do an Intuitive Gift session for your client, you identify which of the 60 Divine Abilities and 50 top Divine Affinities they have as strengths.

And then you show them how that unique combination makes them immensely POWERFUL.

Once they see this for themselves, they can’t unsee it and go back to playing small.

They’re READY for the bigger transformation you’re offering them.

Then show them how SUPPORTED they are.

Knowing how powerful you are is one thing.

Owning your power and actually doing something with it?

That’s a whole other thing.

Your clients need to know they’re not going to be alone as they spread their wings and test out their new superpowers.

Now, of course, you’re going to be there to help them all along the way.

But they also have an enormous Entourage of spiritual beings assigned specifically to them to support them in accomplishing their life purpose.

When you reveal to them exactly who these beings are — angels, ancestors, animal guides, higher beings, and even mystical creatures — they will feel not only incredibly loved but SAFE to finally BE who they were created to be.

THAT is the greater transformation you’re offering them.

10X Your Clients’ Results

There’s still one more thing that you can do to make sure you’re giving your clients the best, quickest, and most impactful results:

Expand your toolbox and add Light Language to the mix.

Knowing The Right Tool for the Job

The modalities that you use to assist your clients in healing are amazing!

But every modality has its limitations.

Sometimes you need a specialized tool to get to the root of a problem.

Just like a hammer isn’t the best tool for cutting wood, EFT might not be optimal for clearing past lives, Reiki might not be best for ancestral wounds, and Theta healing might not be right to remove dark blocks.

You serve your clients best when you have a full toolbox of specialized modalities to help them.

The Power of Light Language

There’s one more tool that you can add to your toolbox that will make you STAND OUT from all the other intuitive coaches out there — Light Language.

Light Language is 5D technology that recodes your DNA for instantaneous and permanent results.

As the Earth is ascending, those of us who want to ascend with her don’t have time to heal the old way — slogging through session after session, making slow progress, revisiting old wounds through different lenses again and again.


It’s time to be one and done.

Light Language does that.

Light Language can be used as a stand alone modality or combined with any other modality to supercharge and amplify its efficiency.

So now, the big question is: How do I offer all this to my clients?

The Intuitive Gifts, Entourage, and Light Language Certification Programs

I have created three certification programs to teach you all of these skills.

Intuitive Gifts Certification Course


Become certified to host Intuitive Gifts sessions for your clients.

Register Today

Entourage Certification Course


Become certified to host Entourage sessions for your clients.

Register Today

Light Language Certification Course


Become certified to host Light Healing sessions for your clients.

Register Today

Recent Happy Clients

"Light Language is the language of angels! I am still using Light Language, and I am seeing miracles happen because of it."

Amie E.

"Last week I had an Intuitive Gifts session with Shelli, and y'all, it was AMAZING!!! I felt so VALIDATED! Like the things I felt on the inside were actually real, and they were ME."

Katelyn S.

"The Entourage session was exactly what I needed. It not only helped me feel 'backed' by the other side, but also SEEN by my friend Shelli."

Jocelyn R.

Intuitive Gifts Certification Course

In this 6-week, self-guided program, you will learn:

  • How to identify Intuitive Gifts in yourself and others so you know your superpowers and how they support your purpose.

  • The top 60 Divine Abilities so you can identify and put language around those things you are able to do so naturally you might not even realize they're actually your gifts!

  • The 50 Divine Affinities so you can see how your deep connections make you unique in your understanding and ability to help.

  • Different types of Intuitive Gifts sessions so you can know which gifts to use for different purposes.

  • How to develop or download an Intuitive Gift so you can expand your abilities to enrich your life and better serve others.

  • How your particular blend of Intuitive Gifts points to and identifies your purpose and role in creating the New Earth.

Recent Happy Clients

"Had my spiritual gifts session today with Shelli Howells! Her warrior spirit was just what I needed. She has a beautiful, confident, fearless peace about her that really helped me to process and accept the information I was being given."

Kalley S.

"I just had my 6th, (yes I said 6th) session with Shelli Howells. (I kind of love her a lot.) I had the intuitive gifts sessions done for myself and decided that this info would be invaluable as a parent to help support my children and their gifts. So I am having it done for everyone in my family including my husband."

Tina M.

"I was pretty anxious about my Intuitive Gifts session and really didn’t know what to expect but Shelli was effortless in putting me at ease. The session was just what I needed to know and so empowering in helping me to be aware of the gifts that I have to help me break the abuse cycle."

BethAnne S.

Entourage Certification Course

In this 6-week, self-guided program, you will learn:

  • How to identify Entourage members for yourself and others so you can tap into ALL the help available to you.

  • The 5 categories of Entourage members so you can understand their roles and how to call on each of them to maximize their "specialty".

  • The symbolic meaning of individuals, pairs, and groups so you can call on them for specific purposes in your life.

  • Different types of Entourage sessions so you can be supported in each of the areas of your life.

  • The symbolism of the spatial placement of each Entourage member so you can know who has your back, who is here to guide you, and who is always by your side.

  • How to communicate with and receive guidance from your Entourage members so you can actively work with them instead of just receiving their passive help.

Recent Happy Clients

"Last week I had an AMAZING Entourage session with Shelli Howells. She was patient and gracious and definitely in tune with everything. And the best part, she got to introduce me to my awesome big red dragon!!!"

Kalley S.

"Yesterday I did my Entourage session with Shelli. I have to say there were things brought up in my session I have never told anyone before and only people who are in my Entourage would truly know about me. And I mean WORD FOR WORD from my thoughts. People I have known intuitively to be there, who came up."

Julianna T.

"I just did an Entourage session with Shelli, and if you’re even slightly considering it, I highly recommend it! She has a talent of seeing things clearly, and putting them into perspective. It was so enlightening. As always, thank you Shelli for sharing your amazing gifts and talents with me."

Amy R.

Light Language Certification Course

In this 16-week, self-guided program, you will learn:

  • How to channel all expressions of Light Language so you can harness its power in multiple ways.

  • The 14 healing modalities that comprise the Light Healing session so you'll always have the right tool to heal anything that comes up in a session.

  • The advanced techniques of coding and sequencing with Light Language so you can create powerful transformation immediately and over time.

  • How to interpret Light Language transmissions so you can receive the fulness of the codes and information they contain.

  • How to blend Light Language with any modality to amplify its power and effectiveness.

  • How to host different types of Light Healing sessions so you can adapt your sessions to your clients' needs.

Recent Happy Clients

"I was familiar with light language before this course. Now I have more experience and more confidence with speaking, singing, understanding, drawing, and moving to the energy of light language.

"Today I can happily say I have used light language alongside my other energy healing work and coaching. I am so grateful I took this course!"

Shannon B.

"I can’t say enough positive things about Shelli’s Light Language Course.

"My growth skyrocketed through instruction and examples from Shelli and others in our group.

"If you are thinking of taking this class I would encourage you to stretch and grow through learning Light Language."

Shaun M.

"The Light Language Certification Course has helped me to tune in and be creative on multiple levels through the course of my day! I would highly recommend it!"

Sarah P.

Special VIP Option!

If you are interesting in creating a thriving energy healing business for yourself, then this option is for you!

As an intern for my own mentor, Kami Orange, I enjoyed a rare behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to build your business from the ground up.

I learned that a combination of energetic, strategic, and practical action is required to be successful.

I put those practices in place for myself and have enjoyed unprecedented success in just a few short years.

Because I know how desperately the world needs more energy healers and coaches to navigate the dramatic changes that are occurring, I am passionate about sharing all the tips and tricks I've learned with others.

What makes me unique as a business coach is that I combine energy healing that focuses on clearing your blocks around money and business as well as practical coaching in all departments of your business. 

That is why I am opening up just 4 spots for individual 1-on-1 business coaching with me.

You will receive:

  • All the benefits and bonuses of all three certification courses

  • 6 2-hr deep dive, one-on-one sessions with me over 3 months via Zoom.

  • M-F 10 am to 6 pm Messenger support for quick questions between sessions, accountability, and support.

"Hello beautiful light healers. I am currently working with Shelli in her VIP business mentoring program.

"You guys! It's only been a few weeks and already we are busting through my blocks and limiting beliefs like nobody’s business.

"Yesterday, I was able to post about my Light Language Certification on my personal page. I can’t imagine being able to do that without Shelli’s help and support guiding me through it.

"She is an invaluable resource in navigating through starting and expanding a business.

"I have especially appreciated the ability to get a hold of her through Voxer when I have quick questions or need quick reassurance.

"It really is a VIP experience!

"If you are wanting to share yourself even more with the world but something keeps holding you back, I highly recommend this mentoring program.

"Shelli will lovingly guide you to the next level."

Megan T.

What you get with each course:

  • Lifetime access to all video content including instruction and demonstration

  • Lifetime access to worksheets and materials

  • Bonus Light Language clearing for certification

  • Private Facebook group for community, exchanges, and support

  • Weekly live Q&A calls with me via Zoom to help you clarify the material and give you support

  • Promotion in the public New Earth Experience Facebook group

  • Listing in the practitioner directory on my website upon certification


  • Channeling Workshop Masterclass ($497 value)

  • Business Basics Quickstart Masterclass ($497 value)

  • Light Language Healing Library with 100+ clearings, meditations, and activations ($3,000+ value)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format for the classes?

Each week is comprised of two pre-recorded videos, one for instruction and the other a real-time demonstration of the principle being taught.

How long do I have access to the classes and materials?

You have lifetime access to all the class videos and materials, including any bonuses that you get upon enrollment.

Wat is the timeframe for completing these courses?

The courses are organized into 6 weeks (Intuitive Gifts and Entourage) or 16 weeks (Light Language). However, these are all self-guided, which means that you can move through the material more quickly if you prefer or slow down and go at your own pace.

What are the certification requirements?

Certification requirements for the Intuitive Gifts Certification Course:

Watch all trainings and demonstrations

Complete all exercises and assignments

Complete 5 Intuitive Gifts Power sessions on yourself

Complete 5 unpaid Intuitive Gifts sessions for others

Complete 10 paid Intuitive Gifts sessions (of which at least 5 must be full sessions) for others *Note: you are welcome to accept payment in trade as long as there is an exchange of payment.

Fill out and submit the required form for certification

Certification requirements for the Entourage Certification Course:

Watch all trainings and demonstrations

Complete all exercises and assignments

Complete 5 Entourage Power sessions on yourself

Complete 5 unpaid Entourage sessions for others

Complete 10 paid Entourage sessions (of which at least 5 must be full sessions) for others

Fill out and submit the required form for certification

Certification requirements for the Light Language Certification Course:

Level 1:

Watch all trainings and demonstrations

Complete all exercises and assignments

Level 2:

Watch all trainings and demonstrations

Complete all exercises and assignments

Complete 8 Basic Light Healing sessions for yourself

Complete 8 unpaid Basic Light Healing sessions for others

Level 3:

Watch all trainings and demonstrations

Complete all exercises and assignments

Complete 5 full Light Healing sessions on yourself

Complete 5 unpaid full Light Healing sessions for others

Complete 10 paid full Light Healing sessions for others

Fill out and submit the required form for certification

Is there a deadline for certification?

No, there is no deadline for certification. These are self-guided and self-paced courses. However, my experience is that it is easier to remain motivated to complete certification when you mix certification requirements in with your homework rather than waiting until the very end. 

Are payment plans available?

Yes, payment plans are available for your convenience. There is a 3 monthly payment option for the Intuitive Gifts and Entourage Certification Courses and a 3 or 6 monthly payment option for the Light Language Certification Course.

Explain in depth the question. Make sure that the explanation clearly answers the objections that visitor has on their mind. The frequently asked questions section is a great way to clear up any objections that the buyer might have and push then a step ahead to make that purchase.

Intuitive Gifts Certification Course


Become certified to host Intuitive Gifts sessions for your clients.

Register Today

Entourage Certification Course


Become certified to host Entourage sessions for your clients.

Register Today

Light Language Certification Course


Become certified to host Light Healing sessions for your clients.

Register Today

About Your Teacher

Hi! I’m Shelli Howells, Light Language teacher and intuitive coach.

I began my career as a Certified Alignment Coach offering Intuitive Gifts, Entourage, and Alignment sessions to my clients.

Then, I was introduced to Light Language, and I knew I wanted to get this incredible technology out into the world.

I began by teaching a 4-week class. I thought I was done! But no, my guides taught me more about Light Language and asked me to share.

My second Light Language course with this new information was 8 weeks. Again, I thought I was done! Again, my guides taught me even more about Light Language and helped me create the fully developed Light Language Certification Course that you see here.

My intention with these certification courses is to flood the world with light! I hope you will join me in this endeavor.


[email protected]

© 2023+ Shelli Howells LLC. All Rights Reserved.